
Tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors in Iceland with incoming tourists. The number went down from 2 millions in 2019 to 700.000 in 2021 due to Covid 19. The bank Íslandsbanki predicts that between 1.1 and 1.2 million foreign tourists will visit Iceland in 2022.  The largest visiting nationalities are from USA,UK, Germany, France, Norway, Denmark and China. Tourism’s share of foreign exchange earnings has grown from 18.8% (2010) to expected 42% (2017) according to measurements on the export of goods and services. At present, tourism accounts for more foreign exchange income than the fisheries industry and aluminium production. Tourism in Iceland is focused around Reykjavik Capital Area with 95% of foreign tourists visiting the area.

Reykjavik Capital Area offers investors several interesting investment possibilities in tourism.

 –  Travel & Tourism –
Economic Impact 2017 Iceland