
Operating income
Tourism satellite accounts
Fish products, price indices
Export of marine products
Operating accounts of fisheries
Meat production
Industry – Other
Residential buildings
Innovative enterprises
R & D
Building cost index

RSS Tourism

  • Tourism short-term indicators in July 18/07/2024
    Employment in the tourism industry in Iceland was 29,612 in May 2024, almost the same number as in May 2023. In the 12-month period from June 2023 to May 2024, an average of 29,382 individuals worked in the tourism industry compared with 27,558 in the previous 12-month period.
  • 15% decrease in overnight stays in May 09/07/2024
    In May 2024, there were 611,000 registered overnight stays in Iceland, which is a 15% decrease from May 2023 (720,000). Overnight stays at hotels were 385,800, which is a 7.1% decrease from May last year.
  • Tourism short-term indicators in June 20/06/2024
    Revenue from foreign tourists during the first quarter of 2024 was about 98 billion ISK compared with the same period last year when it was 95,5 billion ISK. Revenue from foreign tourists has increased by 21% in the last 12 months when compared with the same period the year before, from 497 billion ISK to […]
  • 13% decrease in overnight stays in April 31/05/2024
    In April 2024, there were 491,000 registered overnight stays in Iceland, which is a 13% decrease from April 2023 (563,000). Overnight stays at hotels were 330,700, which is a 9.7% decrease from April last year.
  • Tourism short-term indicators in May 16/05/2024
    Employment in the tourism industry in Iceland was 27,293 in March 2024, an increase of 2% compared with March 2023. In the 12-month period from April 2023 to March 2024, an average of 29,337 individuals worked in the tourism industry compared with 26,919 in the previous 12-month period.

RSS Fisheries

  • Catch in June 28 thousand tonnes 15/07/2024
    Icelandic vessels landed 28 thousand tonnes in June, 21% less than in June 2023. Decreased catch was in most demersal species and there was no pelagic catch.
  • Value of catch in the first quarter was 40 billion ISK 28/06/2024
    The total catch in the first quarter of 2024 was 218 thousand tonnes which is 58% less than in 2023. The main reason being that no fishing quotas for capelin were issued in the first quarter of this year. The value of catch in the first quarter was reduced by 35% compared to last year […]
  • Catch in May was 87 thousand tonnes 14/06/2024
    Icelandic vessels landed just over 87 thousand tonnes in May, 14% less than in May 2023. Demersal catch was 5% less than in May last year and pelagic catch 37% less.
  • Publication of value of catch in first quarter 2024 postponed 31/05/2024
    Publication of a news release on the value of catch in first quarter 2024, which was scheduled today 31 may 2024, has been postponed until 28 June.
  • The production of fish farms was 50 thousand tonnes in 2023 29/05/2024
    The Icelandic aquaculture production was 50 thousand tonnes in 2023 which is a 3.5% decrease from the previous year. Salmon was about 88% of the production and arctic char 11%. The export value of salmon products was 40 billion ISK, 9% less than in 2022.

RSS External trade

  • Trade deficit of 39.2 billion ISK in June 08/07/2024
    The value of exported goods from Iceland amounted to 71.3 billion ISK fob in June 2024 and the value of imported goods 110.5 billion ISK cif (104.8 billion ISK fob) according to preliminary figures. Thus, there was a trade deficit, calculated on fob/cif value, of 39.2 billion ISK as compared with a trade deficit of […]
  • Trade deficit of 367.3 billion ISK in 2023 28/06/2024
    The value of exported goods from Iceland in 2023 amounted to 939.1 billion ISK fob and the value of imported goods amounted to 1306.3 billion ISK cif (1236.1 billion ISK fob). Thus, there was a trade deficit, calculated on fob/cif value, of 367.3 ISK billion in 2023 compared with a trade deficit of 291.4 billion […]
  • Trade deficit of 21.7 billion ISK in May 26/06/2024
    The value of exported goods amounted to 88.9 billion ISK fob in May 2024 (88.9 billion ISK according to preliminary figures) and the value of imported goods was 110.7 billion ISK cif (109.7 billion) after revision of preliminary figures. The trade deficit in May was therefore 21.7 billion ISK (20.8 billion ISK).
  • Trade deficit of 20.8 billion ISK in May 06/06/2024
    The value of exported goods from Iceland amounted to 88.9 billion ISK fob in May 2024 and the value of imported goods 109.7 billion ISK cif (103.4 billion ISK fob) according to preliminary figures. Thus, there was a trade deficit, calculated on fob/cif value, of 20.8 billion ISK as compared with a trade deficit of […]
  • Trade deficit of 47.2 billion ISK in April 30/05/2024
    The value of exported goods amounted to 72.8 billion ISK fob in April 2024 (72.9 billion ISK according to preliminary figures) and the value of imported goods was 120.1 billion ISK cif (119.3 billion) after revision of preliminary figures. The trade deficit in April was therefore 47.2 billion ISK (46.4 billion ISK).